Major Productivity Advances
The Scanner is very fast many ways. It does full dome scans up to 10X faster – now,
less than 2 minutes for a typical room. It also conducts general 360º and focused areas scans faster,
can be setup & moved faster, lets users locate targets, register & geo-reference faster,
and lets users check scan results faster.
Unprecedented Versatility
The Scanner combines all-in-one portability with the ability of users to traverse,
resection or use scan targets for maximum flexibility in dealing with site logistics.
Full 360º x 270º field-of-view, high accuracy, long range (300m @90% reflectivity),
and high scan speed (50k pts/sec) add to scanner's position as the industry.
3D Scan method
3D laser scanner created more then 1.000.000 points.
We imported the pointcloud in MeshLAB, and converted it to polygon 3D model.
Finaly we textured, colored and animated the building.
The All-in-One Laser Scanner for Any Application
The platform represents the most capabilities and best value packed into a single laser scanner instrument.
Users can take advantage of surveyor-friendly, onboard total station-like control or use an external laptop
for even more powerful, onsite viewing and data processing.
It includes scanner, tilt sensor, battery, controller, data storage, auto-adjusting video camera and laser plummet. Scanner also features major productivity advances, including a new mirror function that lets users conduct full-dome scans in literally just minutes using a spinning mirror.
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